Can a Doctor check for cancer symptoms from a mole on your skin?

by Symptom Advice on January 10, 2011

I want a mole removed but to actually get it removed I need to "pretend" I am experiencing irritation and have reason to remove it.
I seriously need to get it removed (not going to go into extreme detail)
Can't afford private care, its not harming anyone just making my life A LOT better

Usually if the mole doesn't change colors, sizes or darkness then they do not like to move them. My husband used to swear that putting head and shoulders shampoo on them, when he washed his hair wuld make them go away, get smaller.

You don't need to tell your doctor that you are experiencing irritation if it really doesn't because you are the patient and you can do whatever you want to yourself.

That's called elective operation. You don't need any medical purposes for the operation, just to enhance appearance.

You really do not have to pretend that the mole is irritating. Mole can get removed for cosmetic reason and many dermatologists are well aware of this and are more than happy to remove it for you.

However, it is still better to get your mole examined prior to any mole removal procedure. it is very important as malignant mole requires different treatment to eliminate the entire cancerous mole cells. Malignant moles usually present some characteristics which can be easily detected with a home self-check using ABCD rule.

If the mole is benign, you have more options as to get it removed. Generally benign mole can be removed with Excision method, shaving method, cauterization method. A more expensive alternative would be laser treatment that's best at treating flat and small moles.

There is also natural solution for safe mole removal at home which uses herbal remedies to get rid of unwanted moles.

Hope this helps.

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