Can a girl get pregnancy symptoms from being too paranoid about being pregnant?

by Symptom Advice on April 28, 2011

Me and my girlfriend had sex two weeks ago and she is getting pregnancy symptoms but she is really paranoid and only gets them when she thinks about being pregnant. Is she just paranoid about loosing her future in college cause were only 18??

When a girl thinks she is pregnant, her brain tricks her body into thinking that also.
So that's probably all it is, but if she misses her period, then start worrying.
But, it might be a little late, because she is thinking she is pregnant, so wait for a week after her period starts, and then get her a test.
good luck.

you can tell your pregnant two weeks after conception is she late? but yes you can have symptoms in same cases people have had there breast get milk belly grow morning sickness etc but are not even pregnant your mind is powerful

It could be either or. Your brain plays tricks on you…maybe she should get on birth control.

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