Can a heroin addict get prescription marijuana for the pain of withdrawal symptoms…?

by Symptom Advice on June 19, 2011

in california, do you believe it is possible for a heroin addict to get medical marijuana for the pain of withdrawal symptoms from kicking and getting completely off of heroin. Lets just say, they already are on methadone but are having are hard time detoxing. (please – no stupid answers)

I've known a few heroin addicts. most who didn't die from the habit have managed to kick it using marijuana to help. not sure about getting a recommendation for that purpose, but I do know it helps. If at all possible, kick heroin and pass on the methadone. its way harder to get off!! If already on methadone, best bet is rehab as the detox for that drug is awful, but worth it to get clean.

I can see the logic behind it – I know Mary-Jane is not as hard as heroin- so I would see it as an improvement. I know it sounds dumb but it makes sense to me.
then the person can gradually reduce the use of marijuana until they are completely drug free- Marijuana is not as difficult to quit as heroin.

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