Can a thyroid cyst cause emotional symptoms even if hormone levels are normal?

by Symptom Advice on February 27, 2011

To make a super long story short, in July 2008 I noticed what I thought was a hard lymph node in my neck.I recently had an ultrasound and it was discovered to be a cyst on my thyroid. I had blood work done the same day as the ultrasound and my thyroid hormone levels are normal. Due to a different set of symptoms, the doctor wanted to treat me for depression and anxiety until I told her that I didn't actually FEEL depressed. She said we'd wait and see what my thyroid levels were and then figure out whether to treat the thyroid, the depression, or both. However, when I thought about it after my appointment, I realized that I definitely do suffer from depression and assumed that my thyroid levels would come back low and that would take care of that. But then they came back normal. Could the thyroid cyst still be causing my depression, or will I have to go on anti-depressants? I will be seeing my doctor on Monday to discuss my options, but anyone's personal experience or knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

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