Can an arrhythmia cause symptoms like dyspnea and fatigue? What havoc can arrhythmia cause?

by Symptom Advice on August 21, 2010

This can be symptoms of a rhythm disturbance in the heart. Untreated this can lead to cardiac arrest.

I have arrhythmia and I don't feel tired. My doctor put me on a medication for high blood pressure and it was suppose to be used for treating arrhythmia but I think that it gave it to me. I know when my heart beats out of rythmn I can tell and it freaks me out.

Yes arrythmias can cause these things. The heart is missing some beats, so it is not pumping enough oxygenated blood to your body causing weakness and this in turn can cause dyspnea(difficulty breathing). Its all about supply and demand.

well yes it can. depends on what kind of arrhythmia. any arrhythmia that reduces your cardiac output which they all eventually do will cause fatigue and dyspnea

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