Can anybody please tell me what are the symptoms of cervical cancer?

by Symptom Advice on January 8, 2011

The precursor to cervical cancer is HPV. Human papilloma virus or genital warts/anal warts. unfortunately not all strains of HPV actually cause warts which is also why you should have annual Pap smears. for females between 16-26, the Gardasil is a fantastic option. if you are concerned about the possibility of HPV, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible and if you are free and clear get the shot. even if you are not sexually active, you should get the shot because from what I was told you cannot get it after age 26, apparently it is not effective. Protect yourself. Go see your doctor.

Sometimes there are no symptoms. the best way for early detection is to get a PAP smear. the presence of abnormal cells would be a first indication that something is wrong although it doesn't always indicate cancer. please get a PAP smear. the results only take about a week to get and it is the best way to find out.

none until disease has spread to other areas or the cervix is very diseased and almost rotting. that's why you have to get a pap smear yearly

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