Can anyone diagnose these symptoms. Severe abdominal pain,vomiting, swollen stomach in a 7 yr old boy,?

by Symptom Advice on September 1, 2011

No known food posioning, lack of sun protection and playing in paddling pool all afternoon. have been given diagnosis but want to double check.

go back to the doctor, as far as I know, thats not normal.

What a stupid question!!
He's got sunstroke!!!!!!!!!!!! Take him to you doctor, or better still, casualty.

honestly, it sounds like he has a bowel obstruction… his vomiting a bile color. get a second opion from a different doc though if you dont trust this one.

could have swallowed some water from the pool and caught a bug or maybe just eaten something he was allergic to

Appy or bowel obstruction. those would be worse case scenario. Severe constipation or the GI flu might be more realistic.

Take him to the doctor or hospital asap.


no one can diagnose like this, if you dont trust your dr get another professional opinion after a face to face consultation.

Most likely constipation but take him to the pediatrician because you never know. he couldve also picked up some nasty virus in the pool, it happens all the time.

See your doctor and ask questions if not understand. if not happy with diagnosis see another doctor in your practice. do you live near a drop in centre call NHS you cannot take chances.

sounds like some random infection. Does he have a fever too? Any difficulty breathing. if so take him to the nearest hospital immediately !!!

it could be sun stroke , or has he been drinking the water from the pool,

either it is canstapation or sumtimes (i know this sonds horrible) but my kids are at school and they told me over the table that sumtimes poo can get on the outside of the intestine and then it swells up and you get the symptoms you have written in your question!!
hope your son gets better soonxxxxxxxxxx


Could be a hernia. Dont get second opinions on the internet!

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