Can anyone help diagnose this symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on November 30, 2010

It hurts when I cough if I stand up too quickly my head hurts and I feel dizzy, I'm confused of whether it might be the flu or something completely different. Can any one help

the cough can be pnewmonia.Does it hurt when u take a deep breath also? if so u need a chest xray. you could be anemic if you get dizzy when you get up. try getting up slower.How long has it been since you have had bloodwork done at the docs office? Also bronchitis hurts and burns the chest when you cough, drink lots of water.I would go see the doctor with all this crazy flu stuff going on. dont take chances

i think it sounds like the flu.. i used to get it! to be safe see the doctor!

mine plz;…

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