Can anyone help with ADHD symptoms?

by Symptom Advice on February 18, 2011

my 10yr old little girl was diagnosed with ADHD and was put on the drug Concerta. She began having seizures and I myself took her off the drug after finding out this drug killed over 900 children. the school was the reason she was placed on medication because they told me that the school would step in and turn me into child protectives if I did not get the ADHD symptoms under control because she was a distraction. is there anyone who could help me in any way? any advice on how to treat or manage the symptoms with out medication?

I am a 38 year old adult taking Concerta. I have serious concerns about the medication as well. Even more so, I have serious concerns regarding those who prescribe it. For a period of time, the dosage they had me on was 3 times higher than I was supposed to be taking. Severe headaches, irritability, possibly even high blood pressure followed. Eventually, I realized what happened, told my doctor, and they said, "oops."

I am not trying to pan the medication itself. When I began taking it, the only word to use to describe the experience was "revelation." it changed my life in a profound positive way. it was the psychologists dosages that messed me up.

I have been curious to try other medications, just to see. the only one I've ever taken has been Concerta.

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