Can anyone tell me what they symptoms of feline kidney infection are?

by Symptom Advice on January 25, 2011

I was just petting my cat, and he reacted when I touched the area by his kidney. He didn't scream or meow. He pees normally, no blood. Eats and drinks fine. any ideas? BTW, He's almost 20.

Well…hmm, I'd keep an eye on the litter box to make sure he continues being able to pee, and that it continues to be without blood. my male cat got blocked up and had to be cathed a couple of times…the advice was always the same from the vet: give the Urinary Tract Health food, and lots and lots of water. Other than that, poor baby may have just gotten spooked for Random Cat Reasons That Humans Don't Understand.

Good luck, and good health to your wonderful 20-year-old!!

well the first sign that i knew something was wrong with my cat was she began to have a seizure from dehydration that was related to kidney disease what happened to your cat doesnt sound like kidney infection to me…

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