Can genital herpes symptoms appear the next morning following sexual intercourse?

by Symptom Advice on January 9, 2011

The morning after having sex I had a small, raised red sore about 1 cm long on the shaft of my penis. it isn't painful or sensitive, and I'm hoping it could just be irritated skin or possibly an infection. I plan on seeing a doctor tomorrow but I'm very anxious about it.

Usually herpes takes a couple of days to show symptoms, if your immune system is compromised then it could start showing right away.
Do see your doctor and have them test the sores for herpes.

2 days and if it was herpes it would be very painful to touch

If its tingly and itchy and stuff then yeah and it can show up in 3 days. Man that sucks for you.

no it's not genital herpes, symptoms for GH don't show up that fast.

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