Can genital herpes symptoms show up before 24 hours of being infected have passed?

by Symptom Advice on January 4, 2011

No, but genital herpes is a viral STD, meaning that once you get it, it's with you forever and ever. Primary or initial genital herpes symptoms usually appear an average of 2-3 weeks after exposure to the virus infection; however it may be years before the first outbreak occurs. the symptoms of a first initial outbreak of genital herpes usually appear 2 to 10 days the earliest and it varies to some. many people who had the first primary outbreak are not aware of the outbreak. the symptoms could be mild and or because they are unaware of the possibility of herpes infection due to lack of awareness. You will experience outbreaks periodically throughout your life, and can also pass it onto your future partners, so please wear a condom or have your partner wear a condom so that you don't give it to them either.

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