Can over eating (in combination with diabetes) trigger pancreatitis or something similar?

by Symptom Advice on April 4, 2011

I know that alcohol and gallstones can, but can over eating in combination with diabetes trigger either pancreatitis or something similar?

I thought I suffered from gallstones and a UV showed that I had gallstones. then, before I got to see a specialist I had new symptoms that fit pancreatitis. 5 weeks later I saw the specialist and he told me that I don't have gallstone problems since I'm an overweight woman that has given birth. I have IBS and the cure is to lose weight. I told him about the symptoms that fit pancreatitis and he took a liver test saying that it would prove that he was right. 2 weeks later I got a letter where the Dr told me that he was right, I do not suffer from gallstone problems. I have gallstones, yes, but they don't cause problems. The issue of pancreatitis was not addressed.

I don't drink alcohol and I apparently don't have gallstone problems either, but I've once again has symptoms that fits the pancreatitis diagnosis. Hence my question, can over eating trigger pancreatitis or something similar? I binge eating sometimes and I see a connection, or at least I think I do. I have diabetes 2 and take Metformin as well as Insulatard. (Started taking insulin 1 year ago.)

Also, can a liver test taken 5 weeks after the event really tell that it wasn't gallstones or pancreatitis that cause the problem?

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