Can smoking marijuana really cause schizophrenia, and are these symptoms of it?

by Symptom Advice on December 12, 2010

I've been smoking marijuana daily (3-5 times a day) for the past 4 years. For the past few months I have been mistaking inanimate objects for people staring at me, this only occurs with my peripheral vision(I see it in the corner of my eye). I went to my doctor for a check up and at the end I told him about what I had been seeing, he said it may be the first stages of schizophrenia, as marijuana can lead to schizophrenia. Is this true? And is what I'm seeing symptoms of schizophrenia?

No, marijuana does NOT cause schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is an inherited disease, not one caused by marijuana.

Marijuana IS contraindicated with schizophrenia though. If you do have schizophrenia (and you would have been born with it) marijuana can make it worse.

I would say that you are just high too much and need to take a sober break. I fully support marijuana use, but 3-5 times a day every day puts you high nearly 24/7. Thats the equivalent of an alcoholic. I know marijuana is not chemically addictive, but you are using it like an addict, and in a way that is abusive.

You dont have to quit, just take a sober break for a week or so and see what happens.

No, that's retarded. sorry. peripheral vision will always have you seeing things that aren't exactly what they look like. Marijuana does not lead to schizophrenia, but it can muddle your thinking process. After smoking it for that long and that much a day, some damage is definitely done. You should consider cutting down.

Schizophrenia is much more complicated than that. If you are hearing things, seeing things that aren't there in front of you and not in peripheral vision, having trouble forming sentences that make sense (e.g. the keypad made the padding of the windowpane jump off the skyscraper), or thinking that the government is after you, then you have a problem. And plus, you wouldn't recognize that you have a problem. You're okay.

Yes, weed does increase the risk of developing schizophrenia.

I think having misinterpretations of reality (inanimate objects in your case) is one of the more subtle and early symptoms of schizophrenia. go to and go to the main discussion forum. tell them what's happening and see what the people there have to say about it. People there will be glad to give you feedback or opinion. You don't have to have an account to post a thread if you don't want to.

The MJ does not cause it, but if you have a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia, then you are likely to get it.

What happens if the side effect of paranoia people get with MJ, tends to unlock such predispositions.

You may want to take a tolerance break.

It is said that it does not cause it, but can trigger it. same damn difference in my opinion. this is how my schizo was "triggered". it will only make it worse too, you should stop now!

damn you are my hero.
and i think your just losing it because you smoke too much.
just take a break you know..

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