Can someone tell me if my partner has crohn's disease?

by Symptom Advice on April 14, 2011

My partner suffers from IBS and cannot eat gluten or dairy products because of it. Also I have noticed he always seems to feel run down and unwell even though he has a relatively easy life with little stress. he suffers badly from mouth ulcers and constantly has a runny nose. A friend of mine who suffers from Crohn's said these are all symptoms of the disease but could it be something else that I am missing?

every one is right he should go to the doctors. They will prob have him have a colonoscopy, well they should, to look inside..Some of the symptoms sound like Crohns and some don't, though everyone presents differently.

What Are The Symptoms of Crohn's Disease?

Crohn's disease can cause a variety of symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. The three classic (though not specific) symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease are:

Persistent or recurrent diarrhea (possibly with blood, mucus, or pus)

Abdominal pain


Good luck, I hope it's not Crohns. :)

Yes. your doctor can.


of course it could along with many other things. they caught mine with a colonoscopy, blood tests and cat scan… i went by the last 10 years thinking i had back problems and problems eating before i was diagnosed last September '06. i was sick all the time but it started with getting real bad sick about once a year which i thought was just a flu even though i was throwing up 1-3 days straight…The term IBD (Crohn's and UC) which are diseases that cause inflammation and much more… IBS is a condition and does cause pain(without inflammation) but it is not as extreme as UC and Crohn's. I thought I had IBS for a while too thinking I just had a lactose intolerance or had problems with gluten. how little did I know?

Get him to a doctor

I have crohns and have for a couple of years officially.. I do not have a problem with wheat gluten that is celiac's…
My symptoms for crohns were as follows.
explosive Diarreah (pooping out whole meds and mucus was present in stools)
severe cramping in lower right quadrant
low grade fever off and on…
He will need to have a bunch of test to say for sure if he has crohns disease or not including sbft and colonoscopy and maybe more depending.

only a doctor can diagnose. something that serious should be handled by the doctor.

A zinc supplement cured my chronic mouth ulcers. Avoiding very high roughage foods like muesli helped the bowel problem. but mine was definitely owing to extreme stress.

Actually those s ymptoms are much more close to Celiac Disease than Crohns. IBS is a common misdiagnosis for Celiac (Crohns can be too). Mouth ulcers is a huge sign as well as the stomach problems.
Hopefully these sites will help, blood testing and endoscopies are the way to diagnose Celiac. THe only treatment is the gluten free diet. The good news is that many Celiacs avoid dairy at first but after awhile on the Gluten free diet, they can resume eating dairy.

Hmm, Crohn's is often stress related. Not too shure about the mouth ulcers. it would be stomach pains and diarreah as the two big symptoms. Check out this site for Crohn's info:

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