Can you develop cystic fibrosis as a teenager?

by Symptom Advice on April 8, 2011

All the reading I've done on cystic fibrosis says it is a genetic disease. However, I have a lot of the symptoms of it and was wondering if it could become evident later in life? thanks.

yes they can find out that you have cystic fibrosis when you are a teen however it does not mean that you got it as a teen .. all people that have cystic fibrosis are born with cf .. and some time s Dr's do not catch it tell later in life after the patient is having issues with breathing or other major issues. that is why now most hospitals in the USA test for all kinds of medical issues so that they can start treating that patient at birth ..

Every case of cystic fibrosis is different. you are born with the disease, but sometimes symptoms do not present until later in life. if you really feel like you have a lot of the symptoms, then I would ask your doctor. its always a possibility.

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