Cause Of Excessive Sweating: What You Must Know

by Symptom Advice on February 15, 2011

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition where the body experiences too much sweating. it can be a perennial disorder affecting people’s quality of life. When this condition occurs, it means that the glands producing the salty fluids out of the body are over doing the job. Secretion of sweat in extreme unneeded amounts may lead to dehydration, skin infections and body odor. the profuse sweating is localized in body areas like feet, groins, hands and armpits. This is not only embarrassing but also distracting to people.

Knowing the underlying causes that trigger this disorder is important to be able to understand how and why it happens to a number of people. the reasons may be bad diet, hormonal imbalance, medications and diseases. Since the first three causes are easily relatable and common, this article will focus more on the medical cause of excessive sweating; diseases or illnesses. Infections like Tuberculosis, Lymphoma, Hyperthyroidism and Hypoglycemia are some of the medical problems associated with the sweating disorder.

Infections in the lungs called the Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) contagious and may be spread to other body parts. the disease is caused by the attack of the bacterium, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Symptoms of TB may include coughing of blood/phlegm, fatigue, sudden weight loss, fever, breathing difficulty, chest pains and/or night sweating.

Lymphoma is a sickness that may a culprit for excessive sweating. This is associated with the lymphatic system of the body. it originates from lymphoid tissues and forms painless lumps in any body parts. it is a common type of cancer causing deaths. the symptoms may appear as swollen lymph nodes, tiredness/weakness, difficulty breathing, abdominal swelling, chest pain, fever and heavy sweating especially at night.

Hyperthyroidism is another disease that may bring about profuse sweating. This refers to the over activity of the thyroid producing hormones which hastens metabolism. Releasing thyroid hormones in a short period of time leads to this medical issue. This problem results from too much iodine, non – cancerous growth of thyroid gland, excess thyroid hormones, or inflammation. the symptoms for Hyperthyroidism include fatigue, increased sweating, restlessness, weight loss, goiter, heat intolerance, increased appetite, nervousness and frequent bowel movements.

Another cause of excessive sweating is having Hypoglycemia. it is a disease occurring when the body lacks enough amount of glucose. Usually, it is a result of treatment of diabetic people. also, insulin which is a released to the bloodstream is a factor that sometimes lessens the glucose in extreme amounts. Ingestion of alcohol and liver disease are some reasons for Hypoglycemia occurrences. its symptoms are coma, fatigue, headache, hunger, convulsions and cold dripping sweats.

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