Causes And Symptoms Of Gastritis

by Symptom Advice on December 18, 2010

Do you frequently suffer from stomach upsets? is your stomach always causing you trouble. if yes, then you could be suffering from gastritis. Find out what are the causes and symptoms of Gastritis by reading further.

Gastritis is the inflammation of mucosal layer lining the stomach. It is usually caused due faulty eating habits. Eating unhygienic stale food, very spicy, oily or fatty food can cause gastritis.

Other common causes of gastritis are excessive alcohol consumption, excessive tobacco intake in any form. even drinking excessive tea and coffee can cause gastritis. Infection by H pylori bacteria is also stated as a cause of Gastritis.

People who are anxious, get easily stressed are prone to recurrent gastritis. Whenever they undergo emotional stress, they usually land up into gastritis. also long term intake of NSAIDs is responsible for destruction of the mucosal lining and may cause gastritis. Broad spectrum antibiotics in high dosage cause gastritis in some persons. Genetic predisposition is seen in some persons.

Symptoms of gastritis are nausea, heartburn, vomiting, and pain. Gastritis can be acute or chronic. Acute gastritis is usually severe in intensity and lasts for a shorter duration. Chronic gastritis may be mild or severe but there are recurrences. Ulcers form in chronic gastritis along the lining of the stomach. These ulcers are responsible for recurrences as the ulcer does not heal completely after an attack.

Nausea is always present. Vomiting is frequent in acute gastritis. It may or may not be present in chronic gastritis. if present, it may be mixed with blood. There is uneasy sensation just behind the breast bone or behind the ribs of left side. Heat sensation is marked. It is also called heartburn. Pain is boring, pricking, or spasmodic in nature.

Depending on the type of ulcer present, the symptoms vary in nature. Peptic or duodenal ulcers are two types of ulcer that can be present in stomach in chronic gastritis. If peptic ulcers are present, then pain occurs immediately or up to one hour of food intake and is not present at night. if its duodenal ulcer, it occurs 3 hours after food intake and it is characteristically present at midnight.

Mild to moderate acute gastritis can be treated with home remedies but chronic gastritis needs to be investigated for presence of ulcer.

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