Causes For Anxiety and How To Overcome It

by Symptom Advice on January 22, 2011

?Many people suffer from anxiety. Some people suffer from anxiety for a long time without realizing why they’re suffering from it.

Several factors contribute to a person developing anxiety. Research has broken down the potential causes into three main segments, viz., brain chemistry, heredity, and life experiences.

Anxiety wastes a person’s time and energy, while weakening that person both mentally and physically. Overcoming anxiety helps improve your health dramatically and allows you to enjoy life more fully.

The Many causes Of Anxiety

Anxiety can be a result of a mental condition, a physical condition, side effects from medication, or even a combination of different factors. Panic disorder can cause anxiety, displaying symptoms such as heart palpitations, dizziness and shortness of breath. Generalized anxiety disorder and phobic or stress disorders cause anxiety in some people. Additionally, stresses that rise due to work issues, personal relationships or financial issues can cause anxiety. Emotional trauma such as losing a loved one is known to cause anxiety, and so can a serious medical illness. Other than this, anxiety can be a side effect of prescription medication, or of narcotic drug abuse. it could be symptomatic of an event such as a heart attack, a heat stroke, or even hypoglycemia.

Overcoming Anxiety Through Medication

People who display symptoms of anxiety disorders are sometimes prescribed medications to help calm the mind. These medications work by altering the chemicals of the brain. most anxiety symptoms are relieved due to medication, and this has led doctors to believe that brain chemistry in some people triggers anxiety disorders. However, medication cannot be long-term solution for anxiety problems; a person can become dependent on these medications. Doctors advise natural calming techniques and positive thinking to combat anxiety disorders.

Overcoming Anxiety Naturally

Here are a few tips to overcome anxiety naturally.

Think Positive: Negative feelings and emotions add strength to your anxiety. Detaching yourself from situations and people that cause you anxiety is a good way to combat anxiety symptoms. Wake up with a positive thought and tally all the good things that happen throughout the day. tell yourself that life is good and that each day is going to bring only good things to your door. Self-motivating talks and appreciating yourself for all your positives will help you control your anxiety.

Keep Busy: Keep yourself busy so that you don’t get the time to brood unnecessarily. An idle mind is indeed a devil’s workshop.

Set Goals: Knowing a set path for your day, a month or a year will help calm your anxiety. Set goals and work towards them without taking too many breaks. doing this will direct your thoughts and feelings away from constant worry and anxiety, and will turn you towards positive action.

Share your Thoughts: Talk about your anxieties to someone you know and trust. Discussing your troubles objectively will help to alleviate anxiety symptoms. it will also help put your anxieties within the right perspective, helping you get rid of them. However, make sure that whoever you talk to is able to objectively help you with your anxieties, instead of fuelling them further. It’s best to talk to a qualified therapist who’ll help you reduce your anxieties over time.

Exercise: Exercise fills you with positive hormones and makes you feel good. It’s a good way to keep from letting your fears overwhelm you. Try any exercise with which you’re comfortable; you can walk, or swim, try a sport or do aerobics, as long as you feel happy doing it. Don’t select an exercise that’s difficult to perform, which might cause further anxieties.

Laugh Heartily: Laughter is the best medicine for all ails. Find any reason to laugh; watch comedy shows, talk to funny friends, and visit the circus. do whatever it takes to liven up your days. Laughter, just like exercise, floods your body with positive hormones, which keep anxiety at bay.

Be Selective: Stay away from people and things that make you more anxious. if watching the news on TV makes you anxious, switch off your TV. Surround yourself with only those aspects that calm you and make you happy. This way, you can selectively choose happiness over anxiety and lead a better life.

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