Causes of Depression in Men, Women, Elderly and Children

by Symptom Advice on April 21, 2011

Causes of Depression in Men, Women, Elderly and Children


From time to time, medical researches have come up with intuitive theories on causes of depression. since the exact cause that prompts depressive illness in an individual is yet to be discovered; medical experts continue to see it as an outcome of multiple causes. Previously, medical researchers stood with the notion that depression is a state of mind that occurs to a human being when he or she faces troubling thoughts or emotions. however, recently, experts began to apprehend that multiple factors work mutually to lead a person to depressed state of mind. These multiple factors have been demarcated under the heading of genetic, biological, and environmental.

Explaining genetic, biological, and environmental factors responsible for causing Depression

Researches have proved that the complaints of depression in females are much more than that in men. Hence, women are more vulnerable to the tendency of getting depressed than men. the most suitable reason for this variation emanates from the source of hormonal factors. These hormonal changes include menstrual cycle variations, pregnancy, abortion or miscarriage, postpartum period, pre-menopause, and menopause. in addition, women have also complained of going through or dealing with unique stressors like single parenthood, abnormally excessive caring attitude for aging parents or their children, responsibilities management both at work and home and more.

A great number of women have shown signs of depression post delivery. During this time, various hormonal and physical changes take place within the body and then the new responsibility of the child lead to postpartum depression. Small periods of low energy and down morale are normal but severe depressive episodes can be problematic and would need intervention. Such cases should be immediately discussed with doctors and sympathetic health care provider. normally, therapy and support from family and friends successfully help the mother to come out of the depression. otherwise, proper treatment should be referred.

Although we have already stated that men are less likely to get depressed, it would be surprising to know that alone in the United States around three to four million men suffer from varying degrees depression. normally, if we keep aside the hormonal changes, men and women suffer from depression due to same set of causes, however, women are less likely to get affected by the emotional causes as compared to men. the main causes of depression in men are consistent deterioration in health, excessive dependence on drugs and alcohol, social seclusion, problems in relationships, separation or divorce, unemployment and considerable changes in living conditions and arrangements.

Why the problem of depression gets more accentuated and lethal in case of men is because men face great problems in admitting it. As they do not accept it, they do not go for diagnose and always escape from treatment and therapy, which eventually deteriorates their condition. Because of this reason only, women gain suicidal tendencies but men actually commit suicides. especially, if they have crossed the age of 65years, the chances of men committing suicide go higher. Some other side effects of depression in men include lethal health problems. also instead of feeling helpless and low like females, men feel irritated, angry and anguished.

Children may suffer from depression for a great number of reasons. Difficult parenthood, school problems, consistent poor performance in studies, consistent humiliation, lack of care, support and love, change in location or environment, loss of friends or parents, and many more reasons can collectively be sum up as causes of depression in children. On getting depressed, children would sulk, feel grouchy, maintain distance from everyone, and create problems in going to school or socializing. Such children should be immediately taken to pediatrician for checking symptoms and then to a recommended doctor to treat diagnose the root cause and treating it.

Elderly people usually do not get victimized to depression. it is believed that since elder citizens have already seen various ups and downs in their life, their chances of getting depressed because of some environmental change does not seem very viable. moreover, almost all older people tend to feel contented with their lives and thus, bear no reason to get depressed.

However at times, depression in elderly men is caused by aging. Because of their poor health, they began to get dependent on their family members for most of their jobs, which infuriates them initially and eventually lead them on the road of depression. when taken to the doctor, these old-aged men and women would initially try to burden it on their weak health and get away from showing their emotions. Such escapism may make diagnosis of depression difficult.

Hence, in such cases, family and friends have to be supportive and caring. also, if the symptoms get severe, sufferer should be taken to the doctor for more focused therapy and treatment. in order to provide treatment for depression in people, it is important to find out the exact cause o the problem. from one major incident to multiple problems, it could be many problems that together can take a person to the depressed state of mind.

Tags: Causes of Depression • Children • Elderly • Men • Women

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