Causes of kidney cancer, Symptoms, Risk Factors and

by Symptom Advice on January 14, 2011

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Kidney cancer or kidney cancer usually occurs in older people and represents about 2-3% of adult cancers, affecting about twice as many men as women. In adults, the most common type of kidney tumor is renal cell carcinoma, which begins in the cells that line the small tubes in your kidneys. Kidney cancer rarely strikes children and young adults, the exceptions are a pediatric kidney cancer called Wilms tumor syndrome and some forms of hereditary kidney cancer, as von Hippel-Lindau.

causes of Kidney Cancer The causes are unknown, but external factors such as smoking and obesity were associated with a higher incidence of kidney cancer and changes in environmental factors and aging population has increased in the submission of this form of cancer.

Signs and symptoms Kidney cancer symptoms are often overlooked because the tumors are usually slow growing and never suspected until the patient begins to experience symptoms such as blood in urine, pain, fatigue and weight palpable. since back pain is common among people over 40 years, pain is often ignored and the presence of kidney cancer can go undetected. Kidney cancer may also cause hypertension.

Risk Factors The risk of developing kidney cancer is four times higher if a relative has had kidney cancer. Being on dialysis for many years is a risk factor for kidney cancer.

People who have had bladder cancer are more likely to develop kidney cancer, and vice versa. about three percent of patients with kidney cancer have inherited a damaged gene that, it is likely that cancer will be found in their second kidney.

Prevention not smoking is the most effective way to prevent kidney cancer and it is estimated that eliminating smoking would reduce the rate of renal pelvis cancer by half and the rate of renal cell carcinoma of third.

Other factors that can decrease the risk of developing kidney cancer include maintaining a normal body weight, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially bananas and root vegetables like carrots, maintenance normal blood pressure and limited exposure to environmental toxins.

Diagnosis of Kidney Cancer Kidney cancer is usually detected with either computed tomography (CT), ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Cystoscopy can rule out associated bladder cancer. Kidney cancer cells may also break away from the original tumor and spread (or metastasize) to other parts of the body such as lymph nodes, bones or lungs, with about one third of cases showing metastases at diagnosis.

Types of Kidney Cancer nearly 85% of this tumor are renal cell carcinomas. A more rare type of kidney papillary carcinoma. Other rare kidney cancers include: Renal sarcoma, collecting ductal carcinoma, medullary carcinoma and chromophobe.

Treatment radical nephrectomy with or without removal of lymph nodes offers the only cure, but treatment of kidney cancer may include surgery, arterial embolization, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or biological therapy depends on the stage of disease and the patient’s overall health.

Nephrectomy or removal of the entire organ, including the adrenal gland, adjacent lymph nodes and surrounding normal tissue has been the norm, but recent research shows that removal of just the tumor, produced survival rates Similar offers less chance of kidney failure later in some cases.

Scientists have also isolated the gene responsible for VHL, and this discovery offers exciting possibilities for the future to improve the diagnosis and treatment of certain cancers of the kidney. various combinations of interleukin-2, interferon, and other biological agents and even vaccines developed from cells from kidney cancer are also under consideration.

Survival Rate with prompt and appropriate treatment, the mortality rate of kidney cancer is relatively low, the kidney cancer has an unfortunate tendency to spread early, especially in the lungs, sometimes before symptoms develop. The survival rate at five years is about 90-95% for tumors less than 4 cm. For larger tumors confined to the kidney without venous invasion, survival is still relatively good at 80-85%. If it has metastasized to the lymph nodes, the 5-year survival is approximately 5% to 15%. If it has spread to other organs metastases, the survival rate at 5 years is less than 5%.

an important factor for those who have this form of cancer and also with all cancers is that assertive patients who actively work to defeat cancer often increase the chances of survival, live longer and enjoy life.

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Dick Aronson has a background of over 35 years in various facets of the care industry santé.Il created and managed clinical trials in over 20 countries and has also founded a number of small private health related . Dick now runs a number of informative health websites

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