Causes of Skin Cancer

by Symptom Advice on December 27, 2010

In order to understand the causes of skin cancer, it is very important to analyze closely the disease cancer in itself. A normal alteration in the DNA of the cell results in abnormality within the cells. The malformed cells thereby start forming clusters and leads to tumor formation.

The controlled growth of the tumor is not that dangerous and does not lead to cancer. however, when the growth becomes uncontrolled and spreads to other tissues and cells cancer takes birth.

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in humans. This cancer affects the skin cells or the epithelial cells commonly. however, there are many variations of skin cancer and is normally caused by extreme exposure to sunlight.

When the skin is exposed to the harsh UV rays for a long duration of time, the harmful rays can easily initiate alteration of the cells. Invisible radiations coming from the sun is responsible for the destruction of the DNA and thereby results into skin cancer.

Cancer is an entirely cellular problem and spreads through the blood from tissues to tissues. Thus, genetic constitution can primarily be held responsible for the problem when a strict history of cancer runs down the family. normally, you will not try to consider certain eruptions on your skin as important and would just ignore them.

However, small eruptions on the skin or some kind of mole formation or even a bruise can give rise to cancer overtime.However, there is not much of a chance of the moles or eruptions to take the shape of cancer. Nevertheless, taking precautions will help you keep the chances at a distance and thereby help you stay secured.

Continuous exposure of the skin to any kind of synthetic harmful radiations can also lead to skin cancer by simple alteration of the cells.Skin cancer though can be treated if diagnosed at an early stage, but once the cancer travels locations and reaches other parts of the body it becomes disastrous.

Normally skin rashes, incurable eruptions or some kind of discoloration and rough patches signals the alteration of cells. when these notable signs do not fade away within a few days, consultation of the doctor is a must.

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