Cerebroad Cinnarizine 25mg 250Tablets Cerebral arterio sclerosis symptoms Migraine – Phamacy Shop Online

by Symptom Advice on February 17, 2011

Cerebroad Cinnarizine 25mg 250Tablets Cerebral arterio sclerosis symptoms MigrainePackage : 25×10 tablets.(250 tablets)Cinnarizine 25 mg is used for treatment of Labyrinthopaty, vascular vestibulopathy, Meniere?€?s disease; prevention and treatment of kinesis.Cinnarizine 25 mg Dosage and administration: – Cinnarizine 25 mg is used orally, before nutrition. In prevention of kinesis – 25 mg, a half to one hour before the traveling, and after that – 25 mg each 6 hours. For the treatment of patients with labyrinthopaty, vestibular disorders,and Meniere?€?s disease the dose is 75 mg, given three times daily. Maximal dose in adults is 225 mg/24 h. In order to achieve an optimal therapeutic effect Cinnarizine 25 mg should be used for several months.In elderly patients the treatment should be started with low doses (average ?? of the recommended dose), with gradually increase of the daily dose until the expected therapeutic effect is achieved.In children recommended daily dose is average of the daily dose in adults.Contraindications of Cinnarizine 25 mg : Hypersensitivity to the preparation; pregnancy and lactation.Cinnarizine 25 mg Special warnings and precautions: Cinnarizine 25 mg should be used with care in: adult patients, children, patients with family history or clinical manifestations of extrapyramidal disorders. In persons with hypotension during the treatment the blood pressure shouldbe monitored. In long-term treatment with Cinnarizin hematology variables, iver and renal laboratory tests should be monitored. Cinnarizine 25 mg may cause a somnolence, which reduces the attention and disturbs the driving capabilities,particularly in the beginning of the treatment. This requires special care when using the medicine in drivers and machinery operating persons.Cinnarizine 25 mg Drug interactions: Cinnarizine 25 mg may potentiate the effects of the antidepressants and alcohol.Antiacide medicines and H2-blockers accelerate the resorption of the preparation, reducing acidity of the stomach fluid.Nootrope agents and vasodilators increase Cinnarizine 25 mg effects.Cinnarizine 25 mg Adverse reactions: at the onset of the treatment the most frequent adverse reactions are:somnolence, abdominal pain and discomfort, which usually are transitory and resolve after the dose adjustment.Hypersensitivity reactions usually affect the skin. Cinnarizine 25 mg may intensify the trend to hypotension reactions orpreexistent hypotension, xerostomia, appetite increase. The most serious adverse reactions are extrapyramidal disorders (tremor, disorientation, balance disorders), including Parkinson?€?s syndrome. Cinnarizine 25 mg may cause false doping-positivereactions in sportsmen. due to its antihistamine effect Cinnarizin may lead to false – negative result in intradermal hypersensitivity testing. In this reason the treatment with Cinnarizine 25 mg should be discontinued at least 4 days before the testing.Pharmacological mechanisms: Cinnarizine 25 mg improves the brain and peripheral microcirculation, antagonizing vascular effects of the endogenous monoamines and oligopeptides, and blocking the calcium influx in the myocytes of the vessel wall. Cinnarizine 25 mg possesses a high affinity to the vessel smooth muscle cells in the brain. Cinnarizine 25 mg reduces the erythrocyte deformity and improves rheology of the blood. Improves the cell resistance to hypoxia. Cinnarizin has no cardiodepressive effect. Reduces nystagmus and other vestibular disorders, reduces the labyrinth irritability. Exerts certain antihystamine action.Generic name: Cinnarizine 25 mg

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