Chronic Kidney Failure Symptoms, Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Failure

by Symptom Advice on April 27, 2011

Kidney is one of the most vital organs in the human body and plays a major role in filtering and removing waste products from the body. if the kidneys fail to work properly, it causes various health problems. Acute kidney failure and chronic kidney failure are the main two types of kidney failure. Chronic kidney failure, also called as chronic renal failure, allows building up waste products and fluids in the body in dangerous levels. Chronic kidney failure symptoms start to appear after a period of years.

Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is one of the common chronic kidney failure symptoms. it happens in people due to extra fluid in the lungs. Accumulation of toxins in the blood may also cause shortness of breath. The toxin accumulation can decrease the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.

Decreased urine output

The most common and important sign of chronic renal failure is decreased urine output. The patient experiences decrease in urine output because of the malfunctioning of the kidney. This results in improper absorption of waste and water from the bloodstream.

Generalized weakness

People, who suffer from chronic renal failure, may experience generalized weakness. In normal situation, the kidneys produce a protein hormone called erythropoietin (EPO). Its function is to stimulate bone marrow to increase red blood cell count. if the kidneys are failed, the production of erythropoietin becomes insufficient to stimulate bone marrow. it leads to the decrease in the red blood cell count resulting generalized weakness.


Anemia is also caused by the lower level of erythropoietin due to a kidney failure. Regulating red blood cell production is the function of EPO. as chronic kidney failure decreases the red blood cell count, the patient becomes anemic. Loss of nutrients such as iron and folic acid that are important components of red blood cells may also cause anemia.

Loss of appetite

Chronic renal failure may cause a constant foul taste in the mouth of the patient. This can lead to the loss of appetite.

Bone disease

Chronic kidney failure symptoms include several bone diseases. Regulating the balance of substances such as calcium, vitamin D and phosphate are one of the main functions of the kidney. Failure of the kidney may result in abnormal levels of these substances that may lead to bone diseases. The bones can become thin and weak that may be associated with pain. Patients, who suffer from renal bone disease, are at a higher risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis.


Swelling of the lower limbs and abdomen is commonly associated with chronic kidney failure symptoms. The failure of kidney causes buildup of fluid in the body. Increased fluid in the blood vessels may accumulate in various spaces of the body such as tissues in the lower limbs and abdomen with ensuring swelling.


Chronic kidney failure may affect the nervous system of the people in some cases. The patient may have a depressed mood. Toxic metabolite buildup due to kidney failure can result in general malaise, altered mood, weakness and decreased mental function.

Uremia buildup

Uremia is one of the toxins found in the blood stream. Normal functioning kidneys can remove this toxin from the body. if the kidneys fail, uremia may accumulate in the body with many effects. Uremia is toxic to the platelet cells in the blood and platelet cell dysfunction may make the body to bruise and bleed. Increased uremia can inflame the pericardium with symptoms of discomfort and chest pain. Uremia toxin also affects the brain and nervous system that may cause various symptoms such as lethargy, decreased mental acuity, loss of reflexes, impaired sensation and even coma. Constant itching also occurs due to uremia buildup.

Chronic kidney failure symptoms may often become life-threatening and it is advisable to consult a doctor when any of such symptoms are exhibited.

Related Tags: kidney disease and decrease in mental function, renal failure and mood, situation of kidneys

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