Common Symptoms Seen In Autism – Learn To Recognize Them

by Symptom Advice on May 1, 2011

As increasing numbers of children are diagnosed with autism, this condition is affecting more and more families. Autism has quite a few symptoms, and many of these overlap with other conditions, so parents with children they suspect may be autistic are advised to get a professional opinion. The following are some typical symptoms of autism.

One common symptom of autism in a young child is the failure to imitate the parents. Normal children imitate almost everything they see, from movements to facial expressions to language. This is not the case with autistic children, and is in fact one of the main early signs of autism. Babies soon learn to smile when someone smiles at them. As children grow older, they learn to speak and behave by watching the people around them. This is the beginning of normal development, but it’s something that autistic children never pick up. Autistic children often never learn even the most basic behaviors that other children learn by imitation. their ability to speak is usually delayed and they tend to communicate in ways that are very unusual and that others often have trouble understanding.

People with autism do not socialize normally, and this becomes apparent at a very early age. Children who prefer to be alone rather than playing with others, do not make eye contact with others and have a generally aloof manner may be expressing symptoms of autism. They have difficulty telling others what they want or need, and will tend to use gestures rather than words to communicate. with children, this can make things very difficult, as autistic children are often teased or bullied if they are in a classroom or other environment with other children. Because of this, as well as their difficulty learning the way other children do, autistic children are usually placed in special education classes or institutions that specialize in working with autism.

Autistic children often display symptoms such as extreme attachments to objects, repetitive movements or rituals that don’t make sense to others. for example, an autistic child may become fixated on an object such as a pencil, a rock or a shoe, staring at it for hours. or they may develop their own personal rituals, such as walking around in a circle or moving their hands around in a certain way. In some cases, this kind of behavior can be dangerous or self destructive, as some autistic children will bang their heads against a wall. for this reason, some people with autism are given medication to control their behavior or restrained to prevent them from harming themselves or others. This, however, only applies to people with severe symptoms of autism.

We have looked at some symptoms of autism that are fairly common and that are usually apparent in early childhood. Since all autistic people are different, treatment plans have to be individualized based on the symptoms and severity of each case. a great deal of research is being done today so that autism can be better understood and more effective treatments developed.This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on river rock tile.

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