Comprehending Gum Disease

by Symptom Advice on March 20, 2011

Gum disease can begin for anyone at any age. it is more common, but adults over 35 years old. the disease can be mild or severe. it depends upon the stage. everyone should know what gum disease is. in this way, they will understand what the causes and know-how to prevent it.

Description of Gum Disease

Teeth are accordingly attached in your mouth through the gums and bone. the point of attachment is where the gums and teeth connect. Gum disease (or periodontal disease) weakens and breaks this point of attachment. when the point of detachment separates gum and teeth, the tooth first becomes loose. it then falls out.

At this point, the kind or stage of gum diseases is called periodontitis. This classifies from the earlier stage gingivitis. Gingivitis is a less hazardous form of gum disease. Characteristics of this dental problem include inflammation, swelling and discolored gums. the symptoms of later gingivitis can include constant bad breath and trench mouth.

If the bacteria will start spreading in your mouth, this will cause gum disease. Bad bacteria will develop, feeding bits of food lodged in several holes in the mouth. Bacteria forms or is a part of plaque. This sticky white material starts to form on your gums and teeth. Plaque forms every day. if you, or your dentist, do not remove it, it becomes tartar or calculus.

It’s easier to remove plaque than tartar. the annual or 6-month visit to the dentist can manage this. So, too can a trip to a dental hygienist. Tartar is a harder substance and more hard to remove. Tartar is also rougher in texture. it is the ideal place for more plaque to gather and calcify into more tartar. if periodontal disease attains this stage periodontitis, it becomes a more difficult condition to handle.

Oral Hygiene Remedy a Way to Prevent Gum Disease

A life without gum disease is can be achieve. the best remedy for gum disease is prevention. do not treat the problem or its symptoms, but stop it. You can easily avoid the gum disease by embracing a proper method of oral hygiene care. Your dentist can guide you in choosing the right products. the market is also filled of both commercial and natural products such as the alterable OraMD that acts as both toothpaste and a mouthwash.

The following are basic program of care oral health:

  • Brush your teeth every after meal and just before bedtime.
  • Flossing
  • Rinsing using a non-alcoholic mouthwash
  • Visit your dentist every 6-months or a year for a checkup and/cleaning.

It is important that everyone understands gum disease. it is vital to know the main cause, kinds and symptoms. You should always be aware of any remedies or preventions. And most importantly, you need to know how to avoid it. This is very easy to do. Embrace a positive oral hygiene program. if you brush, rinse and floss every day, your smile should last a lifetime.

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