Could I be pregnant if the only symptoms I have are fatigue, increased appetite, and major bloating?

by Symptom Advice on April 8, 2011

I am wondering if I am pregnant. I just got married and was on bc for 3 months. We decided to go off thinking we wanted kids. I was off for about a week and got back on- we thought maybe it was too soon, but if I am pregnant we would be thrilled. I am now having increased appetite, major bloating, and fatigue. Are these symptoms of pregnancy or is it just because I started back on bc?

Hello! pregnancy test.

Sounds like PMS to me. But yes, my first sign when pregnant with my daughter was eating and sleeping all day long so you never know.

Anytime you have sex…bith control or not…you risk getting pregnant. Birth control fails sometimes.

And..depending on how early you are (if you are pregnant) would depend on symptoms. I am not one to believe you can have true symptoms of pregnancy within the first few weeks of conception. I mean, you have to have the implantation (connecting to mom) and a decent rise in horomones (hcg, etc) in order to cause nausea, etc….so I, personally, don't believe in symptoms that early.

Nobody can say "YES, you are pregnant" or "NO, you aren't" because we aren't God. But, if you suspect it, test. that is the only thing you can do! :)

Best wishes!

Those are all the symptoms of getting your period too! Wait a week and take a test.

How long have you been feeling like this? Watch your periods and take a pregnancy test.

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