Could I have Gallstone @ age 18 ? my symptoms match but I'm not sure,I afraid it my be gallstones.I'm worried?

by Symptom Advice on January 10, 2011

Hello ,
I have been having some very painful feelings in my stomach, and feeling very nauseous every time after I eat. And just recently my friends pointed out to me the the skin around my eyes are turning yellow. I did some Research and found my all my symptoms match, but every where it say its only common in women over 60. I'm 18.. what could it be? Gallstones ?

Yes you can have gallstones at 18. go to the doctor.

Yes, it's entirely possible. It's also possible that you have some other problem with your liver or gallbladder, and you should definitely see a doctor.

If you have a diet that is high in fatty, greasy foods, then you can have gallbladder problems. Yellow skin is often a sign of liver problems. Nausea after eating could be a stomach ulcer, gastritis, etc. It might be time to talk with your family physician about your symptoms and have some tests done.

I would definitely go to the doctor and have it checked out just to be on the safe side. I am only 25 and have to have my Gallbladder removed and really don't know how long this has been going on for because I have been pregnant two times and both times I have had strong intense pain running around the top of my stomach and back. at first they thought that I was in early labor but come to find out it has been my gallbladder all this time…

Yes you should go and see your doctor. My sons ex girlfriend had the same symptoms as you have. she had to get her Gallstones out. they took her right away. just dont mess with this go and see your doctor. you will feel much better

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