Could I have pancreatitis?

by Symptom Advice on April 20, 2011

Last night I laid in bed on my stomach and felt this sudden pain in my abdomen. It was in the upper center part, a very particular place, between my ribs. I turned onto my side and it continued for a few minutes, and then it eased somewhat. Today I have been feeling a similar constant, aching pain in the same spot. I'm pretty sure that the place the pain is coming from is where my pancreas is, and I've looked up symptoms for pancreatitis. I don't seem to have any other symptoms, such as fever, but Saturday I did get very nauseus and I threw up. I believe that was due to taking a pain pill for a tooth ache, though. I don't really know what else this could be, but I'm worried about it because this type of pain doesn't feel like a normal stomach ache or flu or anything. any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

I know exactly how you feel. that happens to me all the time- it's probably just growing pains, or maybe something you ate. I know it's abnormal, but it should pass. If it doesn't, consult a doctor. But chances are that it's nothing, and there's no reason to jump to conclusions.

Kayla, It doesn't sound like pancreatitis. With pancreatitis the pain doesn't really go away without medicine and you will vomit alot. What did you eat prior? Was it fatty or greasy? Gallbladder may be a better answer. has your gb been removed?

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