Could it be pancreatitis?

by Symptom Advice on May 18, 2011

Hi, I recently posted on here worried because I'm having a CT with contrast on Sunday, and the Surgeon had written ?carcinoid on the CT request form. However, he had also written ?pancreatitis and reading through the symptoms it really does seem I might have that.

I know I'm jumping the gun and I'll find out in due course anyway, but wondered if anyone has had pancreatitis and if they can relate to my symptoms which are:

Excruciating pain, coming in waves (almost like contractions) top left side of abdomen, sometimes across centre of abdomen too, through to the back
This pain lasts between 3 – 5 days, reducing each day, and can occur ever five minutes or once a hour, no factors seem to make it worse or alleviate it
Severe nausea when having the pain, which disappears once the pain goes
Severe diarrhoea
Sometimes vomiting but not always
Fast heart rate

Twice out of the 6 attacks I've had, it has been the day after drinking alcohol. I'm not a big drinker, probably only drinking once every six months, but when I do drink I tend to go a bit crazy.

Also, and I've no idea if this is relevant, nearly every morning I wake up starving hungry, with acid bubbles popping at the top of my throat, and if I don't eat very quickly I have awful tummy pain – although not the same pain as above

Thanks so much for any help

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