Could my brother's symptoms be chronic pancreatitis?

by Symptom Advice on April 11, 2011

Long story short…my brother is an alcoholic. He is living with my husband and I temporarily so I'm seeing firsthand his actions and the consequences.

To sum it up, I know my brother was hospitalized shortly with acute pancreatitis last year…and from what I can gather from docs, his liver functions tests have come back very high ever since. He was told to stop drinking but never did.

Back then, he suffered from pain in his stomach and had chronic nausea and vomiting. now, however, he is having chronic nausea and vomiting several times a week but says he feels absolutely NO pain. I have read that as pancreatitis progresses, the pain can actually subside. anyone have experience with this as being true? He refuses to go to a doc..although this evening I told him he must if he wants to stay with us for the time we agreed upon. I think he is finally willing to go now but it wouldn't surprise me if he bailed on that plan and moved out.

By the way, I have pleaded with him to stop drinking and get some help but his denial is unbelievable. He actually spends a day vomiting and then goes right back to drinking the following day and actually WONDERS why he continues to vomit. THAT is how deeply in denial this man has fallen.

Please share your knowledge and experience if you have it (regarding the pancreatitis with no pain symptoms).

My husband, ironically, is recovering from a similar path in his life (with drinking) but is doing great currently so I feel like I've been there already once and really don't enjoy seeing someone else in my life go down the same road.

Thanks in advance!

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