Could these be symptoms of acute or chronic pancreatitis?

by Symptom Advice on February 2, 2011

I have been to three different doctors already and nobody has been able to help. I have had trouble with this pain now off and on for years, but lately, in the last month, it has been everyday. Whenever I eat, I get nauseated, sometimes I vommit, and I have a severe pain in my upper right quadrant; it's like a throbbing pain and the only way I can get even a slight relief is if I curl up into a fetal like position. no I don't want to be gross, but I also have green, oily, loose stools in the last 3 days too and I haven't ate anything green or closely resembling that color. The doctors have done blood tests and not found anything abnormal, but shouldn't they do an ultrasound or something? How does pancreatitis get diagnosed?

hmm..the last 3 day,could it be bile problem since wats coming out is green?
its unlikely pancreatitis cus usually inflammation of the pancreas will hurt the middle section of ur abdomen,not upper halves.
i agree with endoscopy..just to see if there are blockage or any abnormalities along ur digestive system, since u vomit back what u eat..

Perhaps you are having gall bladder problems, stones can often develop and recur and cause severe discomfort and nausea (especially if you eat any fatty or like fried foods). Time to go to the doctor, they can do an ultrasound and check your gall bladder as well as some other areas, that may cause some of your symptoms.

Good luck, I would have it checked by a doctor that specializes in gastric problems. I had gall bladder surgery 2 years ago and it was the best thing I could have done! I just kept having odd episodes of feeling bad. The surgery was very simple, and I was up and around the same day, I had to take things easy for a few days, but very little scarring if they can do the laproscopic method.

usually chronic is continous pain or dicomfort for more than a certain amount of time say 1 to 3 months. Acute would be something that only last a short duration then goes away. You seem to have a chronic case if you asked me. A reacurring case as well. Green stool doesn't mean that you were eating green food btw…it has something to do with how your body is digesting nutrients i think….anyway maybe a stomach virus or a liver problem as well? don't know how pancreatitus gets diagnosed…but some drug tests will not reveal any useful info unless the doctor does specific tests to find a problem…have they checked for everything they could…including liver?

I am not a doctor, but you'd feel the pain on your lower (almost under the bone) abdominal area. It sounds like you could have intestinal issues that need specific testing, or you could have irritable bowl syndrome. I'd do a lot of online research and try to narrow the field on the possible causes…keep a log of all of your symptoms, and talk to your Doc about testing. let him/her know that it's really affecting your quality of life. If he/she won't listen, get a new Doc. You can shop until you find one you like…you are the one with the problem, if they don't want to listen…you need a new Doc!

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