Crohn's disease symptoms and so forth?

by Symptom Advice on January 23, 2011

My ex husband is saying he has stage 4 Crohn's Disease…I have looked everywhere and can't find anything over stages of this disease…I guess either you have it or you don't…Cancer has stages not this disease from what I see…Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong…I want to know when you have this disease….what can you physically not do and so on because…he won't pay child support and I'm taking him to court…I have proof the he goes shopping all the time and even hand washed three cars by hand…I was told he's filing for disability…Yeah he sounds real sick…So please anything at all you know about this disease will be much appreciated…Thank you

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease. it can cause inflammation in the digestive tract leading to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, and malnutrition. There is no known cure but with therapy a person can function well.

There are three categories of disease presentation in Crohn's disease: stricturing, penetrating, and inflammatory.
* Stage 1- Mild to Moderate Crohn's Disease.
* Stage 2- Moderate to Severe Crohn’s Disease.
* Stage 3- Severe Crohn's Disease.
No other mention is made in the medical literature regarding Stage 4.

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