Cure for Pancreatitis and colitis?

by Symptom Advice on March 14, 2011

My brother has pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, along with H. Pylori virus? I read "Ulcerative colitis is not caused by emotional distress or sensitivity to certain foods or food products, but these factors may trigger symptoms in some people. the stress of living with ulcerative colitis may also contribute to a worsening of symptoms." He's taking antibiotics, but what else would he need to do for prevention for Pancreatitis and colitis?

You cannot prevent pancreatitis…it is basically sometimes quite aserious condition…it is made worse by alcahol so that should be avoided…the H.Pyloroi virus is basically a stomach ulcer….he needs to get on with his treatment and eat as much as possible…my Uncle could eat nothing when he had pancreatitis and so we got him "complan" which is a meal replacement drink…not like a diet drink…these are made for people who are unwell…we made him drink this when he could not eat at all and he recovered fully…I am certain it's because he was made to drink these drinks so he had some strength to fight it.

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