Current Events: Promising New Treatment For Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms

by Symptom Advice on December 20, 2010

Emily Ferland
Soc 202-01
October 3rd, 2010
12:20 pm

Cystic fibrosis is a chronic inherited disease, the disease usually leads to death at a young age. the body produces a thick mucus that clogs the lungs, which creates an infection. the pancreas begins to improperly work and lacks the absorption of food. Many patients find out they have this disease when they are children, they lack the ability to gain weight like their peers. With the lack of weight gain their growth is stunted, usually they are small stature because of this. using a human growth hormone on these patients will increase the height and weight of a person with cystic fibrosis. this may also prove the lung function and bone structure. Although their is no evidence to back up any claim that it could improve the longevity of one’s life. It has proven that many of these patients have less visits to the hospital prior to the human growth hormone. One issue with taking the growth hormone is that it raises patients blood sugar, many doctors fear that this may cause diabetes in the future.

Cystic fibrosis affects people all over the world. There is a very low quality of life for many of these people. not only does it affect the person with the disease but the families as well. the idea of the human growth hormone seems promising and relatively less risky than no treatment at all. if this treatment can be proven to improve the quality and longevity of ones life with cystic fibrosis it will become a staple to many patients. the benefits out weigh the risks, although diabetes may become an outcome of the disease it is less crucial than say weekly visits to the emergency room.

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