Day 39- Crohns Disease Symptoms Diet Treatment Colitis IBS

by Symptom Advice on January 17, 2011

Day 39- Crohns Disease Symptoms Diet Treatment Colitis IBS

Working in your right Mind with Crohn’s Disease

One of the main keys of success is finding the right motivation. it doesn’t matter what you’re attempting, being in the right mind makes accomplishing your goals easier and more satisfying in the end. This is especially important if you’re dealing with a chronic disease such as Crohn’s Disease. Generally regarded as not curable, many doctors and researchers today believe that diet and lifestyle changes will actually effect a cure of Crohn’s as well as other gastrointestinal conditions. the first part, however, is to get your mind right and in tune with what is happening in your body.

The first thing you need to do is to sit down and decide what person you want to be. In other words do you want to be completely well and free from illness? or do you merely want to learn how to cope with your condition. Pain is a great motivator and most doctors, following conventional wisdom will simply load you up with medications and teach you how to cope. They may offer to hook you up with a psychologist or therapist to talk things out and then send you on your way. This is not the attitude that is going to free you from a condition like Crohn’s Disease.

So the next step is to sit down and write out your goals for better health. make a list or start a journal and describe what it will take for you to get healthy and stay that way. Writing makes your goals and decisions concrete. it makes them real and allows you to literally wrap your mind around them to begin the healing process. Set several goals, small ones, immediate ones, intermediate ones and long term ones. Keep them attainable so that you won’t discourage yourself and give up midway to the healthier you. someone once said, that conceiving the plan is the first step, believing you can accomplish it is the next while achieving is the final goal. This is what you must do. it is advisable to find a doctor to monitor your situation but it is not necessary. Choosing to go it alone is okay with a little added organization thrown in for good measure.

One easy switch is going from regular processed produce to buying only organic foods. This change immediately starts you toward healthy eating. Organic foods are better because they come packed with a bigger punch of nutrients and no pesticides that literally kill the food we eat right now. Pesticides and bacteria are believed by some to be the real causes behind the chronic diseases suffered by the world wide population. In cultures where the pesticides and bacteria don’t exist, there is very little chronic illness such as heart disease, cancers and Crohn’s Disease.

Proponents of organic food believe that eating this way will allow people to live longer without sickness. those who have made the switch have found that organic foods taste better, sleep improves and weight loss ensues. your mind, given better fuel, is able to focus more acutely, while the body has more energy to burn. Once you’ve switched over to organic foods, the next step is a raw food diet for increased health. your digestive system will love you for making the change. Bear in mind, however, that no change is easy and it will take time to accomplish. if you’re working to heal your system from chronic conditions then know that some symptoms will disappear very quickly while others will take some time. the key is to be patient and consistent and stick to the goals you’ve laid out for yourself.

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