Daylight Morphing Orb, January 16, 2010

by Symptom Advice on April 10, 2011

Rare daytime start up from their favorite patch of trees. SHEER LUCK to catch it. only other one I’ve seen in daylight is one filmed in UK. Should I post this one? Or will people just assume the brighter starting light size was just somehow a bright aircraft light that got smaller MOVING AWAY form the trees — from a sideways-moving plane… one that ADDED another light as it flew? REAL SIZE OF THEM BEFORE THEY MORPH IS ONLY BASKETBALL TO MAYBE BEACHBALL SIZED. I know, I’ve seen them IN PERSON only 75-100 feet away. It was after this one that I decided to drive over and try to catch them… and filmed several of the “Twinklers” –the ones who are small and only blink instead (invisible between blinks–even in NV) until they expand and increase in mass & become solid. going from vertical solid shape that laid down & then started flashing like a plane…. Crazy how they use several methods to achieve the same effect. Mixing it up to create confusion.Video Rating: 4 / 5

New new New …………….WHERE DID WHITE PEOPLE COME? FROM Vol? 2 (1-8) after watching this series you should be able to pull the blindfolds off and see things for what they are Neo. Remember all I am offering you is the truth Neo. Neo were you payiny attn to the women? in the red dress? look again (*o*) —-^,–T’ Q Cross Dimentional Language= Shapes and Symbols ! they are a Multi-Dimentional Languauge. Exam. Crop Circles, Snakes Ex. youtube LOGO,all seeing eye,Cross, Pyramid, Colors, Alphabets 666 Art fully crated into architecture and paintings. ( X,O, A) It even shows up in gang signs. so who really run this town. Jay z Qoute from music vid RUN THIS TOWN. AND YEA jAY SOLD OUT HE’S A MASON. been looking @ this language for awhile and I’ll tell you that simplest? comunication can be used in a way to draw pictures and represent higher meaning. Exam +, ++, +++,? or 0 or pyramids, falcons, eagles, snakes reptiles the color green, red, blue. People representing Queen statis= Queen of England . Alice in wonder land was you. Dont worry I got u, We will figure this maze out. i’ll show u an example += cross ++= double cross, +++=triple cross ++++=qaudruople cross=1 whole and 0=planet x. the 1st cross represents a savior (yeshua), double cross reprsents 2nd savior (story of jesus) and 3rd cross rpesents 3rd (savior anti christ in flesh) qaudruople cross represents whole plan coming togather for whole= souls of man. o=planet which is represented by usually as white or red

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