Deciphering Influenza Symptoms: Is It Just A Cold Or The Flu?

by Symptom Advice on December 4, 2010

Don’t look now, but cold and flu season is right at your door! Every year, it is the same dilemma. Is that nasal congestion and cough due to a common cold, or are they really symptoms of influenza? Sometimes it is indeed hard to tell the difference. A severe cold can cause about as much misery as a mild case of the flu.

The concern is that influenza symptoms can progress to cause more serious medical complications, while colds generally fade away on their own. that is why it is a good idea to learn to make the distinction between whether it is a common cold or a flu bug that is biting you!

What The Flu looks Like

Influenza symptoms generally come on rather suddenly, while colds can take their time making an appearance. A fever is a consistent influenza symptom, and it can spike quite high, making the infected person rather miserable. Fevers can come and go, and measure as high as 106 degrees Fahrenheit, especially at the onset of the illness. Children and younger adults tend to run higher fevers.

Body aches and muscle pain usually accompany the fever, and can become fairly severe. Shaking and chills are another common influenza symptom, as is a headache and pain with eye movement. Most people will feel extremely fatigued and experience a loss of appetite. other influenza symptoms include a dry cough, nasal congestion and a sore throat. Occasionally an upset stomach will accompany the flu, but this is rare and generally found in children.

Home Treatment Of Your Influenza Symptoms

Most of the time your influenza symptoms can be treated in the comfort of your home. Home remedies include plenty of bed rest and fluids. Hot liquids like tea and soup can be very soothing while keeping you hydrated. Over-the-counter medications can be used on influenza symptoms like fever and nasal congestion. A humidifier and an extra pillow under your head at night can relieve coughing and help you sleep. Cough drops or hard candies can also decrease coughing. call your doctor if your influenza symptoms improve but then get worse again, or if you see evidence of an infection such as increased cough, colored mucus or pain in the ears or sinuses. The best remedy for the flu is patience – for most flu sufferers, the influenza symptoms will improve within a week or two.

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