Deer Park boot camp owner: To prevent colds and flu, cough up some exercise – Houston Community Newspapers: Sports

by Symptom Advice on February 11, 2011

It’s the middle of winter and you are under attack by a silentenemy that invades your nose, throat and lungs, reducing you to asneezing, sniffling and aching mess.

Yes, the flu season is here again, ready to strike our bodiesand make us feel miserable for days or even weeks.according toCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, influenza normallypeaksinthe United States in January and February, spreading likewildfire across the country.

“Along with the common cold, flu is the most contagiouscondition this time of year,” says Sara Oliver, CPT, owner of BayArea TX Adventure Boot Camp. “Unfortunately, it takes more than anapple a day or a bowl of chicken soup to keep these nasty virusesaway.”

But while we can’t stop the spread of influenza, we can avoidgetting sick by strengthening our defenses against the invadingviruses. In fact, there are several ways to increase our immunityagainst the flu, Oliver notes.

“Vaccination is the best protection, but there are otherpreventive measures you can take in addition to getting the shot,”she says. “Basically, it’s a matter of boosting your immune systemso it can stop viruses before they attack your body. this is whereexercise is very effective.”

Oliver points to recent studies showing that exercise createsdisease-fighting cells in the immune system, making it moreresistant to colds, flu, and illnesses in general. and, thesestudies have also reported that while brisk activity isrecommended, we don’t have to work out to the point of exhaustionin order to get the immunity benefits of exercise.

“Research proves that even people who work out moderately atleast 30 minutes five days a week, increase the number ofimmune-system cells that circulate in the body and kill viruses andbacteria,” she says.“These folks have 46 percent fewer colds thanthose who work out only once a week or not at all. and even if theydo get ill, their symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, coughing,and runny nose are much less severe.”

The message here is clear: “If you work out on a regular basis,your immune system will heal your body quicker, with fewercomplications,” Oliver points out. “Sometimes, simplest thingsreally do work best!”

Oliver adds that there are other good preventive measuresbesides exercise that protect our health during disease outbreaks.“For example, eating vitamin-rich foods, drinking plenty of water,washing our hands frequently, and avoiding crowded public placesthat are real germ-fests, will also help,” she says. “It all comesdown to common sense, good judgment, and a healthy lifestyle.”

About Bay Area TX Adventure Boot Camp:

Sara Oliver, CPT opened Adventure Boot Camp in the Bay Area inOct. 2006 and has expanded to include over 7 times and locations.Schedules and client testimonials are available Sara, a certified boot camp instructor with12 years of experience in the fitness industry, can be reached or 713-515-5081.

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