Dementia Symptoms Are More than Forgetfulness

by Symptom Advice on December 14, 2010

How do you identify dementia symptoms versus just your everyday forgetfulness? Most people ***ociate dementia with old age but more young people who have a family history may exhibit early signs of dementia.  changes in the brain is what causes most dementia symptoms .  it may be the time to see a doctor when memory loss becomes chronic or is getting worse . Depression can also bring on dementia symptoms. here are a list of some common symptoms:

  • difficulty remembering close friends and family names
  • diffictulty in keeping personal care
  • moodiness or difficulty in controlling behavior
  • difficult in finding the right words to express yourself or name objects
  • diffculty in remembering important events

Some forms of dementia develop slowly and some fast .  a common cause of dementia is blocked blood flow to the brain  .  The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease .  Dementia symptoms  are also more common among patients who suffer from Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis and a few other disease that may impair blood flow to the brain or cause tiny strokes. 

 The cases of dementia will rise as people start to live longer.  . The number of people with dementia will double every two decades and reach 81.1 million by 2040 and the rate of increase is expected to be faster in developing countries which have rapidly-growing life expectancies according to Lancet magazine.  (Lancet. 2005 Dec 17;366(9503):2112-7)

Some people may experience mild cognitive impairment which means that they are aware of that they have lost memory but have normal overall mental functioning and can continue with their normal daily activities . 

Residential and adult day care centers are just starting to recognize the needs of the younger dementia patient (those that are under age 85). Memory and brain exercises such as sudoku, crosswords, and  puzzles can improve mental functioning. Relationships and taking care of your emotional health can help, too. many people find a good support group can eliminate stress and make a difference in anti-aging of the brain.

 There are several treatments that can help slow the progress of the disease even though dementia is incurable . it is important to try to remain physically and mentally healthy, eat right,  and get regular examinations with a doctor who specializes in dementia symptoms.  

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