Detecting the symptoms of food allergies

by Symptom Advice on February 20, 2011

In the first place … not every discomfort you feel after eating is a food allergy. It 'possible that the complaints that most people feel only a kind of intolerance to a particular food. a good example is the stomach pain or discomfort after a meal.

to distinguish between a food allergy intolerance is simple if you know the symptoms of food allergies. – One way is first to make a difference intolerance reactions are mildwhile a 'food allergy, symptoms are severe.

Baby Allergies

a closer examination, are food allergens (those that cause allergic reactions) proteins that unfortunately withstands high cooking temperatures, acids and enzymes of the gastrointestinal system. These allergens consequently live to get through the intestinal wall, spread into the bloodstream and travel to target organs, the different results Passallergy symptoms throughout the body.

The symptoms of food allergy are more, but are not limited to:

– Severe diarrhea or vomiting

– Swelling of the skin, especially on the side of the mouth

– Eruptions on the skin

if you notice any symptoms of food allergy, do not treat with kid gloves. Get serious and try to help, so the situation is even worse. The truth is that in everyhealth problem – the delay is very dangerous. do not say that the wise: "a Stitch in Time to heal?

People who become severely allergic to medical alert bracelets or necklaces, explain the situation. The drug, some patients are very sensitive to come with them at all times self-injectable epinephrine, which is prescribed by a doctor who can be of great help during sudden attacks of allergic reactions to the researchfacts to support a rescue team.

do not be like those who are hesitant about everything, even their health. With these people, they tend to fall more and more until it's too late. Allow this to happen. Get help as soon as you notice symptoms of food allergy on.

know the symptoms of food allergies can help you get started worse for the treatment of allergies to make it work. when it comes to allergies and otherThese problems "Ignorance is not bliss." The more you know the various symptoms that keep you more willing to not only this, but I found a good deal.

Forgotten, finally, not to confuse the symptoms of intolerance with symptoms of allergy. The symptoms of intolerance are mild and usually after a short period of time, but the symptoms of food allergies are severe and often permanently.

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