Did you have more symptoms with your sons that you did your daughters?

by Symptom Advice on March 28, 2011

Hi, my nurse told me the other day that boys can produce more hormones and symptoms than baby girls. What do you think?

My doc said the same thing to me and predicted I was having a boy because I was in the hospital 3 times before ten weeks because of severe morning sickness…
Im having a boy! and yes everyone Iknow who had a boy said they were miserable during their pregnancies and with their girls, none. Of course occasionally it was a little different, but there is always room for that in statistics…In my opinion (and my doctors), boys make you MISERABLE DURING PREGNANCY!!

a girl i know had a girl with few symptoms and then a boy and had really bad morning sickness.

i had a girl and had very few symptoms and no morning sickness. i'm pregnant again and seems very much like the first pregnancy…so maybe another girl for me?!?! i'll be happy either way!
one of my other friends is pregnant with her second boy and had tons of symptoms both times.

well so far i am 8 weeks with baby number two and i have started getting really queasy, lightheaded this past week, nauseas at times, With my son i only had morning sickness maybe 5 times, other than that he was a breeze so i think it just depends.

nope!! i had load of morning sickness, sore boobs and cravings with my daughter and nothing with my son

every1 i know tends to get more heartburn with boys………….but more sickness with girls

Hmmm…I've always heard opposite. Regardless, I had horrible 24/7 morning sickness with my boy so I'm not sure.

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