Did your symptoms lessen going into your 2nd trimester?

by Symptom Advice on December 19, 2010

While most of my symptoms are still there (food aversions, sore breasts, indigestion, moodiness) they are far less worse and come less often in the past couple weeks. I am 12w so I was wondering if this could be because I am going into my 2nd trimester?

i started to feel better when i went into my 2nd trimester

my aversions were gone by 2nd trimester.

The moodiness always is there but all the symptoms mellow out in 2nd trimester.
Thats why they call the 2nd the honeymoon period :)

enjoy it.. the 3rd is supposed to get hard

hell no, i just developed new ones, like hemmroids

Yes, yes, yes, it's the second trimester roll! love it and enjoy it! You will have more energy, and feel great. You have three months to enjoy it so anything you want to do, do it now! not everyone is lucky to have the second trimester easy but it sounds like you are!

they usually do. Favorite book to consult is what to expect when your expecting. It will put all your fears to rest.

My sore breasts got better around 12 weeks, my morning sickness went away at about 14 weeks (not completely until about 19 weeks), food aversions came and went even late into my second trimester, and the heartburn/indigestion just got WORSE!

Every pregnancy is different. Nausea normaly lasts until 15 or 16 weeks. Some women have nausea the whole pregnancy and some women do not suffer from it at all. I have been pregnant nine times and every one of my pregnancies have been different. if you are concerned, talk to your doctor. maybe the doctor will schedule you for an ultra sound or try to listen for the baby's heart beat. It is good to have a peace of mind.

Yes…normally after the 3rd month your symptoms will decrease. You will still have food and other cravings that are unusual than your pre-pregnancy lifestyle. but this will also end after delivery. Possibly you will experience sore breasts and indigestion and moodiness thru out the entire term of pregnancy due to the fact that your body is going thru so many hormonal changes but they may decrease over time. These are normal symptoms and nothing to be concerned about, unless they cause a problem in your day to day life. then you need to let you OB/GYN know these things are a problem for you.

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