Do i have cancer symptoms or is it just side effects of smoking?

by Symptom Advice on February 27, 2011

It feels like i have somethin stuck in my throat and i have shortness of breath. is it cancer symptomns or just normal side effects of smoking?

it could be emphysema. but if you think it may be cancer if you start coughing blood lung cancer. go to your doctor immeditaly and way!

I can only tell you that it's NOT a normal side effect of smoking and it is not emphysema. it can be caused by numerous reasons, only a doctor can diagnose it.

Feeling like something is stuck in the throat is not a normal side effect of smoking. BUT shortness of breath and/or mucous stuck in the throat is…. especially if you have been smoking a while or have lung problems like asthma.

Your lungs produce mucous to protect itself. Fine hairs in the lungs, waft irritants out so you can cough the mucous up. However, the inhaled smoke paralysis the hairs and that is why when you stop smoking, you start to cough up the junk that has gathered there.

Sometimes, you can cough up large lumps of sticky mucous whilst you are still smoking and this can stick in your throat…

It is time to visit your Dr as the next step may well be Emphysema, which is a chronic and life long illness where you lungs harden and make you fight for breath. Once you have it, you have it, but stopping smoking now could ease the symptoms for as long as possible.

Cancer tends to show up at first as coughing up blood, along with multiple chest infections that don't respond to antibiotic therapy. Eventually breathlessness follows.

Go see that Dr and I wish you all the best. ask him about stopping smoking, believe me, you just feel so much better.

It may result from your smoking especially if your a long term smoker cause your normal cells are changing because of constant irritation related to your smoking..try stoping smoking and observe if the symptom disappears..

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