Do I have lockjaw from trauma or tetanus?

by Symptom Advice on November 30, 2010

Five days ago I had a glass threw at me and it smashed on my elbow. I couldn't stop screaming because of the pain and the shock from all the blood. I was taken to the emergency room for stitches about 1-2 hours later, they gave me a tetanus shot. since then I have not been able to open my jaw fully. every now and then it will open fully but as soon as I close it it is locked in place, if you know what I mean. They say you can get lockjaw (a symptom of tetanus) from deep cuts which causes bacteria to go on your nerves of your jaw. Could it be possible I got this between the time of the cut and the tetanus shot, or is it simply from the trauma of it all. how do I cure this? Its so uncomfortable, I can't even yawn properly.

it sounds lik TMJ a dislocation of the bones in the hinge of your jaw

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