Do I have pancreatic cancer?

by Symptom Advice on April 29, 2011

I'm really afraid of cancer because I watched my grandpa slowly and painfully die from it. I believe he had prostate cancer.
I was doing some research on cancers and learning how to prevent it and learned that pancreatic cancer is usualy always caught in a late stage and is untreatable. Are there any ways I can prevent pancreatic cancer, or any cancer for that fact, and some signs and symptoms of early stage? also, how are some ways to get checked for it?
I don't smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, or do any drugs. I have a mixed diet of high-fat foods and I eat fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods too. I am not overweight and I'm not sure if I have diabetes. can smoking a few cigarettes and then stopping give you the same chance of getting cancer as someone who smokes all the time for years?

PLEASE see your doctor. no one here can even begin to diagnose whatever it is that is causing your symptoms.

if you think that you may have a serious problem like this then you should take a visit to your doctor!! Instead of asking perfect strangers!!
If you are really worried then maybe the doctor can ease your stress or give you some anxiety medication!!

You do not have pancreatic cancer.

You are not likely to develop pancreatic cancer.

Besides not smoking and living a healthy lifestyle there is little you can do to prevent pancreatic cancer or most other cancers.

I think that your grandfather's death greatly affected you and has led you to read about things that are causing you a great deal of worry. it is not normal for a 14 year old to worry about pancreatic cancer.

You show a great amount of insight as far as the true nature of the underlying problem – anxiety. I would strongly suggest showing your parents your question and then ask to see your pediatrician for a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist who can help you. do this today – the sooner you get treatment the sooner you will feel better. If you let this problem go and do not do anything about it it will be much harder to deal with in the future.

You should really talk your fear over with your parents. no one here can tell you not to be concerned. Pancreatic cancer happens to be one of the diseases that can 'run in families'. it can be genetic. So it is very important to be aware.

Ten percent of pancreatic cancers are hereditary. your family could possibily check with the National Familial Pancreas Tumor Registry to see if family members are at risk.

The National Familial Pancreas Tumor Registry…

You see . . you are not being paranoid at all . . this is a real fear, but you can control it by educating yourself. the more you know the less anxious you will be. Talk to your parents as this could affect them also.

Stay strong. and, no, I do not think at this moment you have pancreatic cancer.

pancreatic cancer is usually an older person disease not to say you can get it. It's just rare in someone who is young and in good health. you should get annual physical from your doctor. Don't smoke, drink, or do drugs. Eat health like you do and the rest is up to God.
Pancreantitis you have severe abdominal pain nausea, vomiting, fever. you would feel so bad you would go to the hospital

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