Do I have pancreatitis? I only have a few symptoms.?

by Symptom Advice on February 23, 2011

For 3 months I've had tummy pains. the doctor said it was just a postpartum symptom, so I didn't think too much about it. but for the past week the pain has been really bad. Mostly my upper tummy hurts, but sometimes I think my whole tummy hurts. no fever or back pain though. Increased activity makes it worse, as well as coughing or sneezing.

I'm going to the doctor on Monday, but in the meantime, do you think it's pancreatitis, or could it be something else? I'm not a drinker, I've never had my gallbladder removed or anything like that.

I'd have no way to know if or even think you have pancreatitis. I have no test results of any kind and the symptoms you describe are too general, I'm afraid, and not really suggestive of pancreatitis. so, do I think it's pancreatitis or could it be something else? Yes.

No the symptoms that you mentioned do not sound like pancreatitis. with pancreatitis, you would have a lot of nausea,vomiting, bloating, pain when you are lying down.

Maybe you strained a muscle, if it hurts when you cough.

blood test will confirm panctreatitis. amylase, lipase

just wait to go to the doctor to know for sure because no one on here will be sure ok sweety. Thats the best thing to do. I am also postpartum, 6 months, but my husband and i are expecting again so you having stomach pains can be anything. the doctors should have told you

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