Do most STDs have symptoms that are easy to spot?

by Symptom Advice on December 24, 2010

I mean like AIDS makes you look bad (you know what i mean?), so would it be easy to tell if someone has an STD or is it impossible to tell for some of them. I know that they should be tested, and they will have different side-affects, but is there a way you can spot STDs on a guy

Most people with STI's or STD's are not going to carry around a sign saying so. most of them the signs are never visable to other people because they resign in the genital area. so to be able to tell would only to see there genital area. Some people don't even know they have an STD and can give the infection or virus to there partners without knowing it. you can never spot it on a guy or girl. why because if they did they would probly be embarrassed or even depressed due to choices they have made.

Not always, some stds can have very few or even miss leading symptoms, some people might excuse an std for some thing else in the beginning. Some people may not have any symptoms at all for long periods of time after getting infected which is how some people don't know that they have an std until they get tested. It's impossible to tell just by looking at some one if they have an std, since they usually occur below the waist they are invisible most of the time. Examine his penis once in a while, if there are any unusual bumps, discharge, or odors that can be a sign of an std.

Many STDs are silent. they don't cause any symptoms at all. so it's not a case of "I'll believe it when I see it." unless, of course, you have microscopic, X-ray, DNA-detecting vision. What we're saying is – get tested if you are concerned about STDs.

The only way to protect yourself from STDs completely would be to abstain from sex. Since that is a fairly unpopular option, play sexual defense. always wear a condom, and get tested regularly. In fact, make it a point to get tested with your partner so you both can have peace of mind!

Again – The only way to know if someone has an STD is to get tested. if you are unsure, use protection. Don't put yourself at risk.

I'd also like to remind you about safe sex. Please limit the number of sexual partners that you have. Prior to entering any new sexual relationship, it's important that you and your partner get tested for STDs and share those results with one another. And finally, it's important that you use condoms each and every time that you have sex.

Hope this helps! Feel free to contact us directly if you have any additional questions. We're here to help!

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