Do other people get these symptoms of gallstones?

by Symptom Advice on March 6, 2011

I may have gallstones, to be confirmed with a scan.I have had severe burning in my stomach, vomiting and retching lasting 24 hours.

I am left with a very painful stomach, feeling very bruised especially on the right. at the start, I also had a burning under my right shoulder.
Have you had an operation to remove the gallbladder?
I would love to hear from you if you have suffered this please!

I'm a nurse in a surgeon's office. we schedule people for gallbladder surgery all the time. Your symptoms sound pretty typical. An ultrasound or a hepatobiliary scan can confirm the presence of gallstones. however, you may not have any stones, but instead have a gallbladder that doesn't work well. again the hepatobiliary (Pipida) scan can find that out.
Surgery is actually pretty simple. Nowadays it is done laparoscopically 95% of the time. The surgeon makes 3-4 very small incisions on your abdomen to put in a camera to see what he is doing and instruments to remove the gallbladder. The incisions are closed with steri-strips (tape). most of the time no stitches or staples are needed to close the wounds.
The surgery is usually done outpatient. You will come into the hospital or surgery center in the morning, get surgery done and if all goes well, you will go home the same day. Our doctors tell patients that they can expect to resume normal activity in about 1 week. But some people do that a lot sooner.
If you find out it is not your gallbladder, you may need to have a scope done to see if you have an ulcer or gastritis (inflammation of the esophagus and stomach).

I've never had a choley (short for choleycystectomy), my sister did, but what did you want to know about it? I can tell you.

And as far as your question about symptoms, yes, other people with choleycystitis experience these symptoms.

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