Do the symptoms of the STD trichomoniasis ever include small red bumps?

by Symptom Advice on February 3, 2011

I went to a quick care clinic today and was diagnosed with trichomoniasis. I later noticed the red bumps, which are what is causing the irritation. I've look online and haven't seen any pages stating that these bumps are symptoms and I'm worried that it may be herpes. could these small itchy bumps have anything to do with my diagnosis?

It's an outside possibility, I'm imaging you were prescribed "Flagyl?"….well, it could be that you are just under alot of stress or that the flagyl is making you break out a bit,…or possbily you're reacting to your infection to the trichomoniasis,…'s just possible but I'm not a doctor, just a guy who's heard alot of stories… yes, it's a possibility…..take your scripts like you're supposed to but call your doctor and ask about the bumps. ok?….the Flagyl might be changing your bodiy's Ph a little.


Hi Sarah, I have had/have both. I never noticed red bumps with Trich…only a putrid grey discharge (smelled awful) and I was irritated.) I have Herpes and had bumps that itched and were sore and hurt. since there is no way for anyone to tell you for sure what this is, why not go back to the doctor and get tested for Herpes before it goes dormant and you get a false negative?…this way you know for sure. I know it is a pain, but better to know than to unwittingly be spreading Herpes around…I am sure your partner(s) would appreciate it. good luck.

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